Lake Williamson
Carlinville, IL

Breakaway Kids Week 2

Jun 16, 2025
Jun 20, 2025

BreakawayKids is our elementary-aged summer program for those students coming out of 2nd grade (must be at least 8 years of age as of August 31st, 2025) through coming out of 6th grade. MORE INFORMATION COMING SOON

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Registration & Pricing

Early Bird
May 1, 2025
May 15, 2025
June 1, 2025
Register now
Camp Coordinator Info

Registration Process for Coordinators: All coordinators are required to sign up with us to identify themselves as either Kids Coordinator or Teen Coordinator of their church. This step is crucial, as it ensures we have a designated point of contact for your church to facilitate communication and share updates, reports, and other essential information throughout the registration process. You will specify your camp week and estimate (as nearly as possible) the number of attendees. This step secures student/leader spaces for your church and provides your Church's Registration Code. This Code helps us ensure that your students are associated with your church upon registration as well as making sure they are registered for the correct week of camp. NO ONE will be able to register online without a code.

Church Registration Codes can be requested after January 24th (for IL AG Churches) and after February 7th (for Churches outside the IL AG network). Please review our "2025 Guide to Breakaway Camp Registration Procedures" for a step-by-step guide to the registration process.

Payment: Church coordinators are responsible for submitting payments to the ISM office for their church's students/leaders. The initial deposit of $100 per student to secure early registration rates must be postmarked by May 21 for Breakaway Kids Programs or June 21 for Breakaway Teen Programs.

Discounts: Discounts, such as Credentialed AG Minister's Child ($30/Child), Royal Rangers Chartered Member ($10/Child), and Mpact Girls Chartered Member ($10/Child), are exclusively available to qualifying individuals. Please be reminded that Royal Rangers and Mpact discounts are applicable only to churches chartered for the 2024/25 season. Please check with your church leadership to ensure that your group is chartered before applying for this particular discount. You will fill out a Discount Request Form if any of your students qualify for a discounts, and we will apply those discount to your Church’s total due once they are approved.

Reports: Coordinators will now receive reports directly from our Campwise system, delivered in the form of an invoice to the email address provided during the above mentioned sign-up, eliminating the need for Dropbox links used in the past. You will receive an updated invoice each day that a new registration occurs using your assigned Church Code. These invoices are typically sent out overnight after the registration occurs.

Group Housing: All groups will be housed before their arrival at Lake Williamson. If a church is sending more than 5 children of a specific gender, it is a requirement to send a Cabin Leader to accompany the group. Church Coordinators will provide their preferred rooming requests through a digital Housing Request Form, with a deadline no later than 21 days before the start date of the camp week (but preferably as soon as possible before that time). Church Coordinators will have the ability to edit their submitted form up until the specified deadline. If a church does not fill a room to capacity, we will assign additional students to that room to maximize space utilization, extending the opportunity to attend camp to as many students as possible. After the Housing Director completes the housing arrangements for a camp week, changes are strictly limited. If a camper is unable to attend, a same-gender replacement may be considered, but this is subject to the Housing Director’s discretion and cannot be guaranteed. While we strive to accommodate your housing requests, please be aware that they are subject to availability and logistical considerations.

Check-in/Check-out: Check-in begins the Monday of each week and is open from 10am to 2pm in the Activities Center. Any group checking in after 2:00pm will need to go to the Admin office in the Clark Room of the Auditorium building. Please eat before arriving or bring $6.00 per person for lunch in the Lake Williamson Dining Hall available from 11:30am to 1:30pm. The first meal served at the Breakaway Program will be dinner Monday evening. All Breakaway Programs will conclude with a closing service at 10:00 am on Friday. All cabins will be cleaned out prior to this service. 

Late Arrival/Early Departure: If your camper arrives after Monday registration or departs before 11:00 AM on Friday, pre-approval is needed. Please contact the ISM Office for arrangements, including signing out and back in for athletic events.

Lice Check Policy: (Kids and Teen Camp): All students must undergo a lice check before the event, conducted early enough for treatment if needed. Qualified individuals, such as teachers or nurses, should perform checks, and the Camp Coordinator is responsible for turning in the Lice Check Form at Check-In. Failure to do so will result in individual checks by nurses, with a fee of $10 per child for any student checked. The church is responsible for arranging the return home of campers found with lice.

KP Scholarships: If your church is interested in bringing a group of students to serve in the kitchen on a week other than the one they are attending as campers, you may make a request by filling out the KP Participation Request. Please note, you must be able and willing to send a group leader to serve alongside your students.. By participating in KP Duty during that week, your students will earn a scholarship covering the registration cost of their camp week. Please note that space for these KP Scholarships is very limited, and requests will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis.

Parent Info

Church Code:

To register your child for camp, you'll need a unique Church Code provided by your church's Camp Coordinator. This code associates your child with your church group and ensures they are registered for the correct camp week. Please ensure you obtain this code before beginning the registration process. Contact your church to obtain this code. If your child is not attending with a church group, you will contact our office for registration assistance.

Early Bird and Regular Registration:

Keep an eye out for the Early Bird and Regular Registration periods. Register your student early to get the best pricing! Registration begins February 15th for those students who have obtained a Church Code.

Payment Submission:

Payments are not accepted online; please process them through your church. Consult your Camp Coordinator for payment guidance. Parents of students not attending with a church group may contact for payment instructions.

Camp Capacity and Waitlist:

As our camp has continued to grow, we do face hitting capacity for our Teen Camp weeks. We urge you to register your students promptly after receiving your Church Code to secure their spots. If registration fills up and capacity is reached, your child will be placed on a waitlist. However, being waitlisted is not necessarily a negative thing; it simply means your child is prioritized for open spots based on registration date. Please continue the registration process even if the portal indicates they will be waitlisted. Once availability is determined (ie. unused spots are released from other churches), students can be moved from “waitlisted” to “registered” status.

Additional Assistance:

If you have any questions or need further assistance, your first point of contact should be your Camp Coordinator. If you need further assitance that they are unable to provide, you can contact our office. We're here to help make your child's camp experience memorable and enjoyable. We look forward to welcoming your child to camp!

Staff & Volunteer Info

Important Announcements:

Registration: We have a dedicated Volunteer Registration process through the Campwise portal. This streamlined approach incorporates additional elements like Reference Requests and Background Checks, seamlessly integrating aspects that were previously handled separately. This enhancement not only ensures a more efficient registration process but also provides a comprehensive and user-friendly experience for our valued Volunteers. We believe these changes will contribute to a smoother and more streamlined journey as you prepare for Breakaway Summer Camps. You will select “Volunteer Registration” from our Camp webpage, rather than registering through the Camper portal, as in the past. You will, however, use the same login username and password as you used when signing up through the camper portal.

Role Update: Introducing 'Cabin Leader'": We have an important update regarding a role title at Breakaway Summer Camps. To provide clearer and more accurate information about the responsibilities of this role, we have changed the title from "Counselor" to "Cabin Leader."  This adjustment aims to avoid any potential misunderstandings of the individual’s role at camp. The change in terminology better reflects the focus of their responsibilities, which involve leading, coordinating and encouraging their assigned group of students rather than providing professional counseling services.

Requirements and Application Process:

To ensure the safety and well-being of our campers, volunteers are required to complete the following steps as part of the application process:

  1. Online Registration: Complete the online volunteer application process through our Campwise system.
  2. National Background Check: All volunteers must consent to a national background check (now processed through Campwise once your application is approved).
  3. References: Provide a Pastoral and Personal reference to support your application (you will now provide your References' email addresses directly in Campwise. Once your application is approved, the Reference Request will generate and be sent to your indicated Reference. They will complete the request and return to us.)
  4. Photo Submission: Submit a recent photo for your Lanyard ID. This is for security purposes and should clearly identify you.
  5. Registration Fee: the fee for Cabin Leaders and Support Staff is $75 and is non-refundable. (The fee for "Cabin Assist" is $175*)

Age Requirements: 

  • Support Staff at Breakaway Kids: Minimum age is 16.
  • Cabin Leaders at Breakaway Kids: Minimum age is 18.
  • Support Staff at Breakaway Teen: Minimum age is 18 and must have graduated.
  • Cabin Leaders at Breakaway Teen: Minimum age is 21.

Please note that volunteer selection is based on the specific needs of the program, and while we appreciate your interest, we cannot guarantee a position. Your dedication to these requirements is crucial to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for all campers. Thank you for your commitment to Breakaway Summer Camps!

*"Cabin Assist" Role:

  • Please be aware that ISM only requires one Cabin Leader per room for Teen Camp grades 6-12. The inclusion of a Cabin Leader ‘Assist’ (a second Cabin Leader that is not required) within a room impacts student participation, as it results in the exclusion of a potential student attendee.
  • Cabin Assists are not guaranteed positions. We will notify you before your week of camp if we are unable to utilize any extra Cabin Leaders you have registered with your group.
  • ISM does require a second Cabin Leader in a room for Kids Camp grades 2-6. Those Cabin Leaders will register as "Cabin Leader" (not "Assist") and will only pay the Cabin Leader fee of $75.
  • If a student requires one-on-one assistance, that assigned leader registers as "Cabin Leader Assist," subject to prior approval from the ISM office.
  • Registration fee is $175

Breakaway T-shirts

T-shirts can be pre-purchased at a discounted rate if registered by (May 15 for Breakaway Kids // June 12 for Breakaway Teen). Please select your preferred size during online registration. The discounted, pre-purchase rate is $20. After the t-shirt registration deadline, T-shirts will be available at the Camp Merch Store for $25 while supplies last.


A $100 deposit per attendee is required by the program's deposit deadline (Kids Camp: May 21st // Teen Camp: June 21st). Exceptions include Cabin Leaders and Support Staff, who pay a total fee of $75 by the same deadlines, while Cabin Assists are required to pay the $100 deposit. The remaining registration fees must be paid in full on or before the first day of camp. Please note that deposits will only be accepted if attendees have completed their online registration in the Campwise system. Students should make their payments to your church, which will then send a group payment to ISM.

  • Housing Forms Deadline: Group Housing Forms must be completed as soon as possible but no later than 21 days before your camp week starts. Forms can be edited until the deadline.
  • Cabin Leader Requirement:
    • If your church sends more than 5 students of the same gender, you must provide a Cabin Leader for that group.
    • For Teen Camp grades 6-12, ISM requires one Cabin Leader per room. The addition of a second leader (Cabin Assist) when not required is discouraged because it reduces the number of students that can attend camp. Cabin Assist positions are not guaranteed, and ISM will notify you before camp if they cannot be accommodated.
    • For Kids Camp grades 2-6, ISM requires two Cabin Leaders per room, both registering as Cabin Leaders and paying the $75 Cabin Leader fee.
    • Leaders assigned as one-on-one support for a specific student must be pre-approved by the ISM office and will be designated as Cabin Assists.
  • Room Assignments:
    • Church Coordinators will submit rooming preferences through the Housing Request Form.
    • Rooms typically sleep 8 people, and we recommend a 7:1 student-to-leader ratio (Teen Camp) or 6:2 student-to-leader ratio (Kids Camp). For grades 6-12, male housing often includes rooms with 10 beds, allowing for a 9:1 ratio (8:2 for Kids Camp, male room). Requests for additional room capacity (up to 10) depend on availability and cannot be guaranteed.
    • If a church does not fill a room to capacity, we will assign additional students to that room to maximize space utilization, extending the opportunity to attend camp to as many students as possible.
  • Housing Changes: Once housing is finalized, changes are strictly limited. If a camper is unable to attend, a same-gender replacement may be considered, but this is subject to the Housing Director’s discretion and cannot be guaranteed.
  • Final Decisions: All housing decisions are made by ISM, taking logistical and availability factors into account. While we strive to accommodate your preferences, they are not guaranteed.
  • Color Team Assignments: Information on color teams will be shared one week before your camp week starts.

Individual Info (No Church)

Registration: Our camps are designed for church groups to attend together, creating a more connected and supportive experience. If you are an individual not currently attending with a church group, we encourage you to connect with a local church that is planning to attend. This will allow you to fully benefit from the group dynamic and enhance your camp experience. If you need assistance finding a church group or have questions, please contact our office, and we’ll be happy to help.

Payments: In the case that you are unable to connect with a local church, individuals are subject to the same Deposit Deadlines as groups. Please review the Deposit Section of the website for applicable dates. You will send your payment directly to ISM  ||  PO Box 620  ||  Carlinville, IL 62626.  If you prefer to pay by credit card, there will be a 3.5% processing fee added to your registration cost. Please contact our office for an online invoice to be sent, if you choose online payment.

Housing: ALL students will be housed prior to their arrival at Lake Williamson. If a student is coming as an individual but would like to be housed with another attending group or individual, we will do our best to accommodate requests if they are made by the housing deadline (no later than 21 days before a camp week’s start date). You may submit this request by emailing or as a written request with the payment. Please contact the office no earlier than 1 week prior to your enrolled program week if you would like to receive your color team and rooming assignment.

LICE CHECK POLICY: (Kids and Teen Camp): All attending students must undergo a lice check before the event, conducted early enough for treatment if needed. Qualified individuals, such as teachers or nurses, should perform checks, and please bring a completed Lice Check Form to Check-In. Failure to do so will result in individual checks by nurses, with a fee of $10 per child for any student checked. The parent is responsible for arranging the return home of Individuals found with lice.


To accommodate programming costs, requests for refunds for students unable to attend the full week of their program must be submitted no later than 14 DAYS before the first day of the selected Program. Refunds for students who are unable to attend must be requested by the Church Coordinator with an official Refund Request Form which can be obtained through our office. We first encourage the transfer of funds to another student within your group who has a remaining balance. If no transfer is feasible, a Refund Request will be processed for approval, deducting the $100 non-refundable deposit, t-shirt fee, and high ropes fee (if applicable).  Refunds will not be issued for those who opt not to attend after the registered week's registration is closed, as this could potentially deny another participant a spot. Any approved refunds will be processed at the end of the Breakaway Camp season (typically August). Please note that we are unable to refund money for partial attendance during a registered week, and no refunds will be issued for expelled students.

What to bring to Breakaway


  • Sleeping bag (recommended) or twin sheets (full-sized sheet recommended for Staff in case of full-sized bed)
  • Blanket and pillow
  • Towel
  • Recreational clothes and gym shoes
  • Toiletries
  • Modest swimwear (no bikinis, speedos, or chubbies-style swim shorts)
  • Bible
  • Spending money for BGMC/STL offering, snacks, and merch store if desired
  • Cleaning supplies to ensure a "Crown Room" award!

Please clearly label all items. Students are responsible for personal belongings. ISM is not responsible for lost or stolen items. 


  • Weapons
  • Vape pens, edibles, or devices allowing for nicotine or THC intake (e.g., cigarettes, chew, etc.)
  • Electronic devices, laptops, video games
  • Silly String, water guns, water balloons
  • Sidewalk paint, tape, or spray paint products (including colored hair spray)

ISM withholds the right to search any bags necessary to ensure the safety of everyone on the grounds. If any student is found in possession of any inappropriate or dangerous item, they may be asked to leave immediately. If this should happen, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian and church to retrieve the said child from the grounds immediately, at their own expense without a refund.

High Ropes

A High Ropes course is available for those in 4-12 grade on a first come/first serve basis (very limited spots available) for an additional cost of $30/student.

Not sure what High Ropes is all about? Click here for more information.

ISM Special Needs Breakaway Policy

Students participating in any and all Illinois Student Ministries Summer Programs (Breakaway and Breakaway Kids) must be able to conduct themselves in a manner that does not disrupt the mission and objectives of the Breakaway program.

Students must be able to obey directions, follow accordingly, and obey rules for their own safety. In addition, Students must be able to handle themselves appropriately during activities such as free time, when general supervision is provided for the entire facility. (Students are not always specifically with their own Cabin Leader. At times throughout the day, they are under general supervision). 

The ISM would love to see every student attend our summer program; however, we have limitations due to our volunteer staff and financial considerations that confine us to our basic ratios of 5:1. Should a student require further assistance due to physical, mental or social disabilities, a student's guardian may choose the following alternate arrangement for their child, in coordination with your Church's Coordinator. 

The alternate arrangement would be for the student's guardian to provide a personal chaperone (of the same gender as the child) that would be the student's “one-on-one” cabin leader, who would be able to provide assistance in the bathroom/showers if needed. 

The guardian would be required to cover all the expenses for this one-on-one cabin leader, in addition to the child’s registration. The student and one-on-one assistant would be assigned a room with other students, but that one-on-one assistant would only be responsible for the specific child. 

Each Breakaway Program has varying degrees of outdoor terrain that may create mobility challenges for physically impaired participants. Every reasonable accommodation will be offered based on the limited availability of staff. Guardians should consider this and make appropriate inquiries prior to registering a child for any of our Breakaway Programs. 

For security purposes, the personal cabin leader would be required to complete an Adult Volunteer Application provided by Illinois Student Ministries, which includes a background check. 

Camp Timeline Overview

Here is a snapshot of the various dates/deadlines to keep in mind:

    • January 24 – IL AG Churches may begin requesting their Church Code
    • February 7 – Non IL AG Churches may begin requesting their Church Code
    • February 15 – those students who have obtained a Church Code from their Coordinator may register for Summer Camp
    • February 15 – Volunteers may begin to apply for Volunteer positions (Cabin Leader, Support Staff)
    • April 28 - Teen Camp Week 1 unused spots held by churches are released to waitlisted churches/campers
    • May 1 - Kids Camp Early Bird Registration Deadline - Students
    • May 3 - Teen Camp Week 2 unused spots held by churches are released to waitlisted churches/campers
    • May 15 - Kids Camp Regular Registration Deadline - Students
    • May 15 - Kids Camp Volunteer Registration Deadline
    • May 21 - Kids Camp Deposit (Postmark Deadline)
    • May 19 - Kids Camp Week 1 - Registration and Housing CLOSED
    • May 26 - Kids Camp Week 2 Registration and Housing CLOSED
    • June 1 - Teen Camp Early Bird Registration Deadline - Students
    • June 15 - Teen Camp Volunteer Registration Deadline
    • June 15 - Teen Camp Regular Registration Deadline - Students
    • June 21 - Teen Camp Deposit (Postmark) Deadline
    • June 16 - Teen Camp Week 1 Registration and Housing CLOSED
    • June 23 - Teen Camp Week 2 Registration and Housing CLOSED